Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Day I Helped the Wright Brothers Fly

I laid in bed this morning remembering the time when I was friends with Orville and Wilbur Wright. We used to hang out as kids and watch birds fly and joke that one day we would fly and everyone would know our names.

We went off to different colleges and lost touch. I got a job working for the Hillhurst Railways. I helped design the line that went from DC to North Carolina.

I took the Early Birder to North Carolina on its first trip heading south. I spend the night in Kitty Hawk. The next morning I went for a walk and by chance came upon my friends Orville and Wilbur in a field. We were all surprised to see each other. They were with their test plane. They had been trying since sunrise to get the plane airborne but were having no luck.

I asked if I could help. They laughed. But when they realized I meant it they conceded. I basically helped push the plane. Before it had been just Orville and some guy named Gus pushing while Wilbur steered the plane. With me adding to the "horsepower" the plane went airborne. We couldn't believe it.

Afterward they thanked me. I said it was nothing. But I told them that it was fun just to be a part of it with them. They said they were glad I was a part of it too.

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