Saturday, August 21, 2010

Helped Through a Predicament

When I come to LA I bring my portable inflate-a-bed and I sleep on the beach. I love laying on my inflate-a-bed at night and looking up at the stars and listening to the ocean's roar.

Last night I feel asleep while enjoying the beach and didn't notice that the tide came in and swept me away. When I woke up I was floating way out on the ocean. At first I was scared because I have no oars and I tend to get sea sick.

But a whale came up next to me and she must have noticed I was trembling and she said, "The ocean's a pretty nice place. It's been my home since I was born and it's taken good care of me. Would you like me to nudge you towards the shore?"

I managed to say a yes.

The whale pushed me and my inflate-a-bed till we got to the beach. I thanked the whale.

The whale said, "No problem. It makes me feel good to help."

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